Thursday, February 24, 2011

Back in Thailand

Greetings from Chiang Mai, Thailand. I am here for a 7 day conference along with 30 colleagues from Campus Crusade around the world. I don't really enjoy the trip getting here, but God is really blessing our time together.

One of my responsibilities as Operations Director for CCC Latin America is the area of measurements. Basically, measurements refers to keeping track of our effectiveness in the ministry: How many people have heard the Gospel, how many have trusted Christ as Savior, how many are in discipleship, etc.

These kinds of statistics are vitally important to us for several reasons. First, they tell us if the plans and strategies we are working on in the countries are effective. Second, they give us a measure of individual staff effectiveness. If a particular staff member or team is seeing tremendous fruit, we need to ask, “What are they doing? How can we multiply their experience?” Third, measuring activity and results allows us to be more accountable to our donors and leaders. We want to be sure we are being faithful with the resources God has given us, both human and financial.

Last, and most important, the Bible is very clear on our responsibility as servants to be wise stewards. In the end, our responsibility is to the One who loved us and called us to proclaim His name.

We are using some innovative technologies that allow staff reporting all the way down to the field level using the Internet. Our national and area leaders can have quick access to information to be able to make course adjustments along the way. Well, that may be more than you want to know about Global Measurements!

We are so thankful for your partnership with us at this time! Jeanie and I have had a very full February as we completed the sale of the house in Bolivia (thank you, Lord), and moved to temporary quarters in downtown Santa Cruz until September. Andrew will be graduating from High School in May and is making a decision in the coming days as to which of two fine Universities to attend: UF or FSU. He has been accepted to both.

Thanks again for your continued support! May God continue to richly bless you.

Ron and Jeanie


Sarah said...

Wow! Cool Dad! And congrats to Andy on his acceptance to the Great University.

Alan's Spiritual Musings said...

I guess you'll have to change the name of your blog...