Thursday, February 14, 2008

Baby Wesley

Jeanie just got home yesterday from three weeks in Washington, D.C. for the birth of our first Grandson, Wesley Paul Hanks. I was there last weekend and, with the help of a new camcorder took a few videos.

Here is some video - probably more than you want to see, but not near enough for his grandparents!


Sunday, February 03, 2008

Carnaval and Baby

Hi from Santa Cruz!

Today through Tuesday is Carnaval in Bolivia. It is a wild time when it is best to stay off the streets, unless you don't mind being pelted with water balloons, or worse, balloons and water guns filled with paint or indelible ink. Since I have to go out to pick up a friend at the airport, I am following the lead of the buses and taxis. Can you see a car under this mud? The idea is that the ink and paint will wash off with the mud.

Meanwhile in cooler, calmer Washington, DC, Jeanie is with Sarah and Dustin taking care of little Wesley.