Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Making the issue clear

What is the Gospel? How can a person be saved?

For someone who has been an evangelical Christian for 38 years, the answer is pretty clear: Believe and be saved. OK, believe what, exactly?

The Word of God gives clear guidance on this issue, but it is a matter that is both "critical and progressive". That is, salvation has a clear beginning point and then a lifetime of growing in grace and understanding.

This week I met with two young men with very different perspectives. The first has a traditional Roman Catholic background. When I asked him if he was sure about going to heaven, he replied, "I hope so, unless there are some sins I am unaware of that will prevent me from entering heaven." His hope is built on his own goodness, rather than on Christ's all-sufficiency. That is a pretty common misunderstanding that people from all kinds of church backgrounds hold to.

The other young man I talked to yesterday had a background of Bible studies with Jehovah's Witnesses (he had since fallen away from them). He said, "The Jehovah's witnesses talk only about God. You Christians talk only about Jesus Christ." Wow. Where to begin.

I am learning that the place to begin is with humility and compassion. The Gospel really is Good News. I love this verse:

Mat 11:28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

These young men both need rest. Pray for us that we would make the Good News clear to them.


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