Thursday, November 23, 2006

The simple power of the Gospel

Hi again,
Yesterday I got a thick letter in the mail from Johann Hiebert, an associate JESUS film missionary in Paraguay. They send us periodic reports of how God is using the film in people's lives. I thought you would enjoy a couple of stories.

The first is from Pastor Saturnino Jimenez in San Ignacio:
"San Ignacio is a new area being opened up by peasant farmers. These folks really didn't want us to preach the Word of God in their area or show the JESUS Film. We went instead to the local school where we handed out booklets and were able to show the film. That was our start. Today it is a new work with 8 candidates for baptism and 20 people ready for our discipleship program."

From Luis Gaona Guerrero a teacher:
"My name is Luis and my mother is Maria. We were baptized this year, 2006. I am happy because I was reached with the message of the Gospel through the JESUS Film. I can't put into words how "brand new" I feel inside. When the pastor showing the film asked if anyone felt a need and wanted to invite Jesus into their heart, I was the very first person to raise my hand and my mother followed me, in tears. We went home rejoicing that we had Jesus in our hearts. My mother has been greatly blessed. I am now serving the Lord, whom I thank for sending you to us."

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