Friday, July 17, 2009

Mission trips and more mission trips

This is the high season for mission trips and we are loving it! We combine three vital forces all under the command of the Holy Spirit: First, a team from a U.S. church with a heart for Bolivia; second, bolivian students from our university ministry; and third, a local Bolivian pastor and a few followers who want to plant a church. The results are astounding!
This week we were in Cochabamba with Christ Fellowship from Miami, 15 university students from Santa Cruz, and Pastor Jorge and friends from Fraternidad Cristiana in Cochabamba. Pastor Jorge is in our T-Net training program and has gotten permission to set up portable tents every week in a plaza in a growing neighborhood of Cochabamba. We got to help set it up the first Sunday.
Here is the photo record:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this pictures!