Saturday, July 12, 2008

Back in Santa Cruz

I arrived back in Bolivia on Wednesday and spent two full days opening up the house, de-ticking the dogs, paying the power and phone bills, charging a car battery and buying car insurance. Whew! I guess we're ready to get on with life! Jeanie and Andrew left early this morning from Portland and, God willing, will be here tomorrow morning.

The team from Christ Fellowship in Miami arrived late last night. All the luggage arrived with the exception of a big soundboard they will need for the music team. It came in this morning, so Pastor Berch from CF and I went back to the airport in my newly insured Pathfinder to get the equipment.

After we picked it up, as we were going through an intersection, I was clipped by a truck. Of course it was 100% his fault :)

I stormed out of the car like a typical American guy and started talking? to the young truck driver. He accepted at least 50% of the blame and suggested that we drive to a body shop and get an estimate. (His suggestion in itself is pretty miraculous in Bolivia.) I was to follow him in my car, so to be sure he didn't just drive off, I had Pastor Berch (no Spanish) ride in the truck with the driver. The body shop gave us an estimate of $50 plus maybe another $40 in parts. You should see the damage. It would be $800 in the US.

Jose Alberto, the truck driver, rode with us from the body shop in my car for another quote on a part and we got to talking. I found out he and his wife have a daughter and had a baby boy who died a year ago. We talked more and I shared my story about knowing Jesus as my personal Savior. As I shared God's offer of eternal life with him, he prayed with me, right out loud, to receive Christ. We exchanged phone numbers and look forward to having coffee together.

We got back to the hotel in time for lunch. God really uses circumstances to open new conversations and new relationships. Please pray for Jose Alberto and his family.

Here's a photo of the team from Miami. Pray for us this week as we share Christ's love with lots of young people like Jose Alberto.

1 comment:

Berchman Paul Jr said...

wow. that was a very cool afternoon. although stressful in the beginning, God provided an opportunity (a divine appointment even) for that guy to hear truth spoken into his life. Ron you rock dude!