Thursday, July 12, 2007

How do you describe a free gift?

Last week we were working with a team of Chiropractic physicians to help plant a church in a town in the campo called La Porfia.

I was sharing the Great News of salvation by faith alone, by grace alone with a couple of men who were watching the construction of the new church building. As I shared with them, we got through the part of God's love - they agreed; then I talked about our sin -and they also agreed that we are are all sinners. I moved on to the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the cross on our behalf. Again, they knew that story.

Last, I shared our need to receive by faith God's free gift of salvation and eternal life. By way of illustration I asked them each if they had ever received a wrapped birthday or Christmas present. I often use that illustration to show people that all we do is receive the gift - that we don't work for it.

Each man replied no, they had not ever received a gift. But, I insisted, as a child surely you received a gift? Again, No.

How do you explain the concept of a free gift to someone who has never received one? We talked further and I explained what it might mean to receive the free gift of salvation and one of the men prayed with me to receive Christ as Savior.

Please pray for the new church in La Porfia. Pray that God will use the ministry of the church to bring the free gift of salvation into many homes.


1 comment:

starrsoft said...

I am a missionary student and came across your blog. Could you please email me at hansmast at hansmast dot com? I couldn't find an email address on your blog. Blessings! -Hans