Saturday, September 01, 2007

Settling back in

After an intense time of graduation, wedding, mission teams (6), and a lot of travel (Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Orlando), I think life is going to settle back down to normal for a few weeks.

The big change in our lives involves school. Andrew is back at the Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center beginning his freshman year at the high school. He is really enjoying it so far. The other big change is that Jeanie is now working as a teacher at the school. She has two classes, freshman English and first year Spanish. Because the high school is very small, she only has VERY small classes: one in the special English class and four students for Spanish. She says reviewing the basics in Spanish really helps her. I can tell you her accent is great!

This morning is the big kick off brunch for the women’s bible study that Jeanie helps to lead. They are expecting about 50 ladies this year. Thanks for praying!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Awww! Andy looks so nice and all grown up. That sounds fun for Mom to work at the school. Reminds me of the subbing days at WCS when I wanted Mom for my sub because I could go to the bathroom whenever I wanted and leave my uniform shirt untucked!
~ Sarah