The last couple of weeks I have been part-time missionary and part-time home remodeling contractor. Actually the work is moving along well and we should move in early October. There is still a lot to do, though.
Yesterday as I drove into the new neighborhood, I had to laugh at all the sights and sounds that were not only different from the U.S. but different from our present neighborhood in the city. Down the dirt road a few houses, the neighbors were butchering a hog. On the driveway.
There are kids everywhere and very few vehicles. That means the kids walk where the car wants to go. I am taking it very slow.
I met a neighbor lady, Patricia, who was very welcoming. She had known the previous missionary couple who lived in our new house. I hope we will live up to their wonderful reputation!
We got a notice in the gate from the neighborhood association. A couple of items to remember:
1. Don't let your cows wander loose. It is forbidden.2. Please don't forget to pay the neighborhood association fee. 1 Boliviano per month (12.5 cents U.S.). Maybe I can pay a couple of years in advance and be done with it, I thought. Changed my mind when I went to the association president's house to pay. We had a great chat and the monthly payment is as much an excuse to get together and visit as anything else. If I paid 2 years in advance (US $3.00) I would miss out on 24 opportunities to become better friends with Maximo.
We were a little concerned about security out in the countryside. Our new neighbors say it is very safe. Over the weekend Andrew and a couple of friends were held up by some guys with a gun here in town. They got away with a cell phone. God is reminding me that in town or out of town, there is no guarantee of security. He alone is our strength and shield. We appreciate your prayers for continued safety.
One last note. Our piano tuner died over the weekend. He was quite a character, always on the lookout for an extra buck. He left several children including a six year old daughter. There are no other piano tuners in town.