Gosh! All I said was "God is astounding in the variety he put into creation."About four months ago I posted a 32 second video to YouTube. I allowed it to be "public" which means anyone can look at it and comment.
Since then it has been viewed more than 920,000 times with thousands of comments. Why the uproar? In part because I dared to say in the description, "God is astounding in the variety he put into creation." You should log on and read some of the discussion much of it profane, some of it thoughtful and all of it illustrative.
I am learning a lot about the YouTube and MySpace culture at my advanced age! The kids that inhabit that online world are free from all authority. When the name of God is injected into their space, it creates an immediate controversy.
I encourage you to logon (sensitive souls - watch out!) and see for yourself:
http://youtube.com/watch?v=OeNggIGSKH8Watch the video and then read some of the posts.
Ron Burgin
Campus Crusade for Christ in Bolivia